Here is an announcement from Nick Gross, Director of Education for NSF's
Center for Integrated Space Weather Modeling:
"I would like to encourage a few interested teachers to apply for the Space Weather Summer School run by the Center for Integrated Space Weather Modeling (CISM). Stanford is a collaborating institution in CISM and the SID monitors were partially funded by the Center. The Space Weather Summer School is a two week immersion course that is targeted to graduate students who are starting research in space physics. The summer school takes a system approach to space weather exploring the phenomena from the Sun to the Earth, and so it is presented at a conceptual level. The summer school uses innovative pedagogy that includes interactive lectures, question cards for immediate feedback, and computer model visualization labs. During the two weeks, each morning is devoted to a lecture and each afternoon is devoted to the computer labs for students to explore the concepts discussed in the morning. On the last day, students work in groups to follow a space weather storm from the Sun to the Earth.
"Though the summer school is targeted to graduate students, between ΒΌ and 1/3 or the attendees are other professionals who use space weather in their jobs. Prior attendees have included: teachers, young Air Force officers, radiation biologists working for NASA, and at least one high school student. This is a unique professional development experience and I would encourage you to contact Dr. Gross, CISM co-Director for education ( ) by the middle of April for more details on how to apply. "